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Your Escape Blueprint

I gave away a member of my family!

This young lady has been part of my life for 14 years; it was love at first sight all those years ago when she was bought out and placed in my arms. Since then I have fed her, cleaned up after her, hugged and cuddled her all this time and in return she has provided boundless love, entertainment and companionship.How can you do this heart breaking thing and indeed why you ask? No this is not a teenage girl; this is my wonderful, purrrfect cat Phoebe! The reason why is that she doesn’t travel well, a short car journey is stressful let alone travelling the world!

Unfortunately downsizing, de-cluttering and renting out our home means that Phoebe has to be fostered out. The reality is that if she does settle in well with her new family it will likely be a permanent move. I wouldn’t want to put her, us and her new family through this again.

Phoebe has a hate relationship with her pet carrier box and the car! Last time we took her to the vets she was so stressed she urinated in the bedding and had to be hauled out to be checked over. I swore that wasn’t going to happen this time!I started with online research into ways to calm pets down; they varied from catnip (which she loves, although the reaction is far from calming) to a pheromone product which is said to be highly effective. I was unable to find this in my local stores, so I cannot vouch for its efficacy. What I did find in my local store was a very clever idea, Pill Pockets….. These are very tasty (for cats anyway) soft treats with a hole in them, you pop in the medication, seal it up and puss scarf’s it down!

The medication I was planning on giving her was a recommendation by the vet….. Gravol! Yes the same stuff humans take, the recommended dosage was 12.5mgs approximately one quarter of a tablet. This makes them sleepy and more relaxed, however it tastes disgusting! I had tried it in her food, wrapped it in cheese, hiding it in shrimps even! All to no avail Phoebe was having nothing to do with it! If you have ever tried to make a cat swallow something IT doesn’t want, you know exactly what I mean!

Pill Pockets to the rescue and we were able to do a trial run, it took some time to take effect and she did indeed become sleepier (I think….. after all she is a cat and they are experts at sleeping!)

Our "Baby" Queen Phoebe

Our “Baby” Queen Phoebe

This morning we were up early, gave her the medicated treats and lots of love! We rounded up her bowls, blankets, toys, food and even her scratching post, loaded them in the car……… then came time to load up Phoebe! I am not sure who was more upset, myself, Mike or Phoebe!

We arrived safe and sound with no bladder accidents! Her new family were all home to welcome her, I think she will love being there as she has lots more humans to give her love, food and attention, after all she is Queen Phoebe!

About the author: Michael was born under a wanderin’ star. He is an Engineer who became an explorer, a photography bug, and hack traveller writer with the propensity to be snarky. “Retired” in 2012 at the age of 44, he and his wife Yvonne travel and house sit around the globe on a full time basis. Michael’s goal is to share the process of escaping the rat race, exploring the globe, and some of the experiences along the way.

2 comments… add one
  • Anonymous

    I miss my cat

    • Yvonne

      The house must be very empty without her.

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