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Viagra of de Sea – Caribbean Love Potion #23

Lets talk about sex – Do I have your attention?

Living in the Caribbean is a lot like being back in high school – sexual energy abounds. At times the tension in the hormone charged atmosphere is so palpable it feels as if it could be cut with a knife!

Wine Down

Newcomers to the islands may not immediately recognize the source of the pervading energy. However, once your ear is attuned to the local twist on the English language, the sexual innuendos and overtones are apparent in everyday conversation.

But as we all know it is impossible to ‘play pool with a piece of string’!

To back up all the talk, the Caribbean is home to a veritable cornucopia of libido enhancing magic potions. These love elixirs are for keeping the guys “big and powerful”, or as they say in Jamaica “to keep your back strong”.

The libido enhancing sex tonics include Mama Juana, Damiana (Ram goat dash), Horny Goat weed and Bois Bande infused rums. Even sex powered foods like Soursop, Cloves, Nutmeg and Cacao are popular for their purported libido enhancing properties– chocolate anyone?

The latest libido enhancing elixir we have come across (pun not intended?) is “Sea Moss”.

Sea Moss, also known as Irish moss, is a type of seaweed that grows naturally in the southern Caribbean and is cultivated throughout the islands.

Stories abound about the power of this slimy ocean vegetable – it is known for being a romance enhancer, it off sets the effect of drinking alcohol, and is widely it is known for its health benefits and its ability to restore one’s vim and vigor.

We are currently housesitting in Grenada on a property right on the sea, with Sea Moss being cultivated steps away from our front door. When I found Sea Moss on the beach during the morning dog walk I just had to bring it home and try it.

What possibly could go wrong?

The Grenadians boil the Sea Moss and then make it into a tonic.

I boiled the fresh Sea Moss with water, Cloves, Cinnamon and Cardamom for about 15 to 20 minutes- then blended it (after removing the spices). When the resulting liquid is cooled it turns into Sea Moss Jell-O.

To make the final drink I add brown sugar and organic Grenadian Caoco powder in a tall glass.

To this, I add almost half a glass of hot water to dissolve the sugar / cacao mixture. Add to this 2 or 3 heaping spoons of Sea Moss Jell-O and mix into the hot Cocoa mixture until dissolved. Then top up the glass with milk.

The result is a warm, spicy, hot chocolate with just a hint of the Sea.

Bet you are wondering if the stuff really works – Nudge nudge wink wink , know whatahmean – say no more!

Sorry no kissing and telling.

Here is an interesting video about Grenadian Sea Moss Cultivation – the video is oh so Caribbean – Lovin’ it.

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About the author: Michael was born under a wanderin’ star. He is an Engineer who became an explorer, a photography bug, and hack traveller writer with the propensity to be snarky. “Retired” in 2012 at the age of 44, he and his wife Yvonne travel and house sit around the globe on a full time basis. Michael’s goal is to share the process of escaping the rat race, exploring the globe, and some of the experiences along the way.

1 comment… add one
  • C. Meeks

    Where can you get wild harvest Irish Sea Moss?

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